Soil Acidity
Acid Soils and Liming
The most important chemical and economic property of Mississippi soils is acidity. It is the master variable of soil chemistry, and thus plant nutrition, because solubility and bioavailability of many essential nutrients are directly affected by pH.
The soil microbes that control nitrogen and sulfur availability also are affected by acidity. The solubility of the elements aluminum and manganese, which are detrimental to plants at excessive concentrations, increases as pH values decrease.
For more information, see these Extension publications:
Agricultural Limestone's Neutralizing Value
Nutrient Management Guidelines for Agronomic Crops Grown in Mississippi
Early fall is one of the best times to test your soil. A soil test can tell you if your lawn or garden needs critical nutrients and how much. This way, your plants and your wallet will stay healthy. You won’t waste your money applying fertilizer or lime that your plants don’t need.