As the world has become increasingly complex, so has the process of farming. Constant technological developments, from precision agriculture to soil moisture meters, keep Mississippi producers competitive. The MSU Extension Service supports Mississippi growers by offering: economic analysis and tools; education related to farming practices, such as irrigation and farm safety; and advances in engineering and technology to make producers more efficient.
Extension also sponsors Mississippi Women for Agriculture, a nonprofit organization designed to offer women educational and networking opportunities to increase the profitability and success of their agribusinesses.
Water management specialists with Mississippi State University have extensive advice for those implementing different irrigation techniques, but they all agree that using soil moisture sensors is the best way to irrigate.
Almost 37% of American adults do not get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night, and that lack of sleep is causing some serious problems.
Leslie Woolington, safety specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, said a lack of sleep can affect a person’s productivity, mental and physical health, driving ability and even their chances of getting hurt at work.
PICAYUNE, Miss. -- History enthusiasts of all ages can try their hand at traditional skills and crafts at a festival hosted by the Crosby Arboretum.
Success Stories
In late February, Mississippi State University hosted the 2024 National Floriculture Forum, an annual conference held at different locations around the country.
Cruising into Madison County, you see a cultivated urban landscape full of brick edifices and manicured lawns spring up around you. Your cell phone announces your turnoff, and you comply, turning onto an older road that soon turns to gravel.
Susie Harmon laughs when she relates her granddaughter’s observation of her favorite pastime.