Leasing Your Land for Hunting
Leasing Your Land for Hunting will teach private landowners and farmers in Mississippi how to successfully lease their property for hunting purposes, for income diversification, and for the conservation of natural resources on their lands.
Target Audience(s):
Landowners and farmers
Participants will learn:
- How to lease property for hunting recreation to enhance farm income and improve conservation practices on their land,
- How to draft a legally binding lease agreement for hunting recreation on their land,
- How to market their hunting lease offering to hunters,
- How to inventory assets on their land for improving leasing opportunities, and
- Ways to improve wildlife game species and associated wildlife habitats on their lands for leasing opportunities.
Total Number of Modules or Sessions: 1
Total Number of Hours for Program Delivery: 4
Program Delivery:
- Educational Video (Online or DVD)
- Numbered Extension Publication
- One-on-One Intervention
- Social Media
- eXtension Website
- Webinar
- Websites other than eXtension
- Workshop
Primary Contact:
Dr. W. Daryl Jones, daryl.jones@msstate.edu