Different Types of Show Pigs

Yorkshires are one of the many breeds of pigs out 4-H'ers show at livestock shows. ( Photo by Premier Livestock Imaging)
January and February are busy times for our 4-H’ers, especially those participating in livestock! Our youth have been competing in district livestock shows during January, with many advancing to the Dixie National Junior Round-Up Livestock Shows.
Those competing at Dixie National have worked long and hard to raise their animals. Steers, lambs, goats, and hogs are all represented at the show.
One of my favorite animals to watch 4-H’ers show are hogs. Before I started working for Extension, I simply thought a pig was a pig. Little did I know! I quickly learned there were several different breeds of swine, including Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc, Chester White, Spotted, Hereford, Berkshire, Landrace, Poland China, and Crossbred.
Here are a few fast facts and distinct traits about five common hogs.
- Berkshire
- Originated from the English county of Berkshire. In fact, it’s one of the oldest breeds in England!
- Berkshire pigs have ears that are short and erect.
- These pigs are predominately black, with white on their feet, tail, and face.
- Yorkshire
- Yorkshire hogs originated from England.
- They have erect ears and a long, white body.
- Yorkshires are one of the most common breeds of swine. If you can imagine the picture of a hog in your head, you’ll likely picture a Yorkshire.
- Hampshire
- Hampshires originated from the county of Hampshire in England.
- They have erect ears and muscular bodies.
- One easy way to identify a Hampshire is by their markings. These hogs have a black body with a white belt around their stomach starting on their front legs. They can also have white hind legs and feet.
- Duroc
- Durocs originated right here in America, specifically in New York and New Jersey.
- They have droopy ears.
- Durocs are typically a mahogany-red color and are medium-sized hogs.
- Chester White
- Chester Whites are an American breed that originated in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
- They have droopy, medium-sized ears.
- Chester Whites are, you guessed it, white in color. They are large hogs that are known for being good mothers to their babies.
You can get the lowdown on Spotted, Hereford, Landrace, Poland China, and Crossbred hogs by heading to this swine publication from our friends at Oklahoma Extension or the Mississippi 4-H Livestock Judging Manual!
The 4-H livestock program is one of the largest subject areas our youth participate in. We’re incredibly proud of the dedication and hard work our 4-H’ers demonstrate when raising and showing their animals!
Want more info on our livestock program? Visit your county office or our Mississippi 4-H web page. You can also stay in the know by liking the Mississippi 4-H Livestock and Horse Programs Facebook Page!
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