Why are my plants so tall, like they are stretched?
Plants will stretch when they are receiving too much shade and when they are too hot. Be sure the greenhouse is not located where it gets shaded by trees or buildings, especially during the cloudy winter months. Full sun is required. However, if the greenhouse is getting over 90 degrees, it is necessary to install some type of cooling mechanism besides exhaust fans. Consider evaporative cooling pads, a fogging system, shade compound, shade cloth, or some combination of these approaches.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Current and prospective greenhouse vegetable growers can learn about the specialized production method during Mississippi State University’s 2024 Greenhouse Vegetable Short Course on Feb. 27-28. The course will be held at the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Magnolia Building in Verona from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. It is open to greenhouse vegetable producers throughout the Southeast.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Vegetable growers soon will have two chances to learn about managing pests on produce in greenhouses and high tunnels.
There’s nothing more satisfying than homegrown tomatoes. You don’t have to be a gardening expert to grow delicious tomatoes in your backyard. Here are a few tips that will help you grow the best looking (and tasting) tomatoes out there: