News From 2000
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- The damage isn't nearly as dramatic as that caused by an earthquake, but Mississippi soils have the capacity to harm foundations when they get dry.
Frances Graham, housing specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said shifting ground can crack foundations. This damage often shows up as cracks or separation around doors and windows or brick veneer, or as cracks in the cement slab of the carport or garage. This damage is especially evident during droughts.
By Chantel Lott
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Reduced water levels in Mississippi farm ponds can be both negative and positive.
"A very common concern among recreational farm pond owners is the impact reduced water levels have on fish," said Marty Brunson, Extension fisheries specialist at Mississippi State University. "No fresh water entering Mississippi farm ponds means no water to dilute the common nutrients and metabolic wastes from fish. Increased concentrations of ammonia, for example, can be potent and dangerous to fish even at low levels."
By Chantel Lott
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Doing a rain dance doesn't guarantee rain, but there are ways to water yards and plants more effectively in a drought.
"Many plants and shrubs are suffering right now from a lack of water," said Norman Winter, a horticulture specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Most of us would like to alleviate the pain of our precious plants in hopes of saving them from the raging dry heat."
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A dry growing season means Mississippi cotton matured a lot faster than normal, but with this early maturing came reduced yields.
Will McCarty, cotton specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said cotton is being harvested three weeks earlier than normal this year.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
This is that glorious time of the year when giant, trumpet- shaped flowers in apricot yellow gracefully hang along branches in Mississippi landscapes as if waiting for Gabriel to choose one for an upcoming announcement.
By Crystel Bailey
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Update wardrobes this fall with preppie styles and shiny fabrics, but don't throw away those animal prints just yet.
Everlyn Johnson, apparel and textile program leader with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said to look for animal prints, plaids, gold jewelry and leather this fall.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Getting Internet access can be a simple chore if only one option is available, but in Mississippi's larger cities, consumers have to decide among an array of options.
Dan Brook, head of computer applications with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said which one to choose depends on a variety of factors.
By Chantel Lott
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Rice production is big business in Mississippi, and September has been set aside nationally to recognize this important food staple.
Last year, Mississippi farmers produced more than 18 million pounds of rice on 260,000 acres. The crop's value reached nearly $100 million.
Bolivar County is one of the state's largest rice producing counties. Each year Delta Rice Promotions holds a rice-tasting luncheon to celebrate September as National Rice Month.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Growers certainly would have liked better yields, but most of them know this year's growing conditions could have taken an even higher toll than they did.
"Corn yields are turning out pretty well in spite of the hot, dry conditions," said Erick Larson, corn specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service. "Most of the credit goes to early planting. It just depends on when the plants ran out of moisture."
Larson said many fields were able to get through the pollination stage by mid-June before Mother Nature turned against them.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
Visit garden centers on a regular basis because you never know what will show up. This summer I discovered a plant called Cat's Whiskers that I never dreamed would be so captivating.
The blossoms are tropical and exotic looking. The blooms may be white or bluish-purple and have long stamens reminiscent of yes, a cat's whiskers. It is not just a couple of whiskers, because the bloom opens up in a long spike full of flowers and stamens.
By Crystel Bailey
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Health officials still recommend that parents should continue to place babies on their backs even though some people worry this sleeping position will cause them to have flat heads.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Forest fires raging out of control in the West give fire a bad name, but in non-drought times, Mississippi foresters use planned fires as management tools.
Glenn Hughes, forestry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service in Hattiesburg, said fire historically has been a natural part of Southern pine forests.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- It will create a high water bill this summer, but watering the lawn weekly may be the only way to keep some landscape trees alive through Mississippi's drought.
Glenn Hughes, forestry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service in Hattiesburg, said pine trees in South Mississippi are probably faring the worst this year. Drought damage, however, is statewide.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- As if the drought isn't bad enough, Mississippi soybean farmers are now facing losses to several pests.
Pat Harris, entomology specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service in Decatur, said soybean fields have their normal populations of worms and stink bugs building up this fall in addition to the drought stress.
By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center
With a name like Princess Flower or Glorybush, you can probably guess this plant has some outstanding attributes. The past few weeks, I have been telling you about tropical plants available at your local garden center that offer some of the best value for your gardening dollar. The Princess Flower is one of those plants.
By Crystel Bailey
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Forget air-conditioned malls and stores, and go to yard sales to find great bargains on clothes and other useful items.
Everlyn Johnson, apparel and textile program leader with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said yard sales are a good idea for buying children's clothing; seldom worn items, such as party clothes; and household goods, such as furniture for college students.
"Yard sales offer excellent prices on clothes. You can get them for a fraction of the retail cost," she said.
By Crystel Bailey
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Mississippians hold yard sales every week, but those who plan, advertise and follow some general tips profit most.
"Mid-spring to mid-fall is the best time to have a yard sale because the weather is ideal for being outside. Plan yard sales for weekends, especially those at the first of the month, because more people plan to shop then and most people get their paychecks then," said Jan Lukens, consumer management consultant with Mississippi State University's Extension Service.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Welfare reform has reduced the numbers on public assistance, but many now working live in poverty, with better access to programs and services being their best hope of improving their circumstances.
Michael Rupured, financial management specialist at the University of Georgia, authored a publication on "Promoting upward mobility for the working poor." It is part of a series published by the Southern Rural Development Center headquartered at Mississippi State University titled The Rural South: Preparing for the Challenges of the 21st Century.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Many of Mississippi's outdoor sportsmen and women count down the days until dove season arrives, but their judgement skills may need polishing more than their firearms as they begin the first of several major hunting seasons in the state.
Labor Day weekend dove shoots traditionally trigger the beginning of the fall hunting season. These shoots often take on a party atmosphere and can have deadly results for more than the birds.
MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Power outages from occasional thunderstorms can be more deadly to chickens than the 100-plus degree days that are par for the course during Mississippi summers.
Tom Smith, poultry specialist with Mississippi State University's Extension Service, said the state had lost about 250,000 chickens in recent weeks, but the true culprit was not just the heat.
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