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News From 2007

K. Raja Reddy
January 4, 2007 - Filed Under: Community

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- A member of the Mississippi State University Plant and Soil Science Department has been named a Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America.

Research professor K. Raja Reddy received the honor at the society’s 2006 annual meeting in November. The Fellow designation is the highest honor the 4,500-member organization confers on its members. Reddy was one of just 10 selected for the honor in 2006. 

The Veterans Memorial Rose Garden is located at the Highway 182 entrance to Mississippi State University's Foil Plant Science Research Facility. In addition to use as a research and teaching facility, the rose garden is open to the public and can be scheduled for weddings and other events. (Photo by Bob Ratliff)
January 4, 2007 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

MISSISSIPPI STATE -- Rose lovers will find a lot to like in a new garden on the Mississippi State University campus.

Researchers began working with landscape roses at MSU in 1982, and established a rose garden near the Enology Lab on the North Farm in 1985. In the mid-1990s, the garden moved to the teaching and research arboretum on the South Farm.

Rainbow Knock Out is a compact landscape shrub rose that produces abundant single-form flowers throughout the growing season. The delicate, five-petaled flowers are a deep coral-pink color with a yellow center finishing nicely to light coral.
January 4, 2007 - Filed Under: Flower Gardens

By Norman Winter
MSU Horticulturist
Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center

Rainbow Knock Out is a name that may cause you to get exited about the 2007 All-American Rose Selections. William Radler, the same breeder who brought us our Mississippi Medallion award-winning Knock Out, bred Rainbow Knock Out.

The All-American Rose Selections committee introduced three winners for 2007: Rainbow Knock Out, Moondance and Strike It Rich.

Rainbow Knock Out

