Midsummer is the prime time for promoting growth of warm season turf species. Therefore, if your lawn needs to recover from being over used, pests injury, renovation projects, excess thatch, soil compaction etc. then now is the time to get aggressive to promote healthy growth. A checklist of things to do now that will help promote good healthy turf include the following: a) continue a regular mowing schedule with a sharp blade at the recommended height for your turf species. Good mowing practices will enhance dense quality turf that competes with weeds. b) Maintain proper fertility. If you have not fertilized within the past 60 days, a complete fertilizer should be applied now. c) Be prepared to water if the rain showers do not come. It is best to water thoroughly and infrequently to encourage deep rooting. d) Use post emergence herbicides to remove existing summer weeds. e) Core aerify to relieve soil compaction. f) Remove excess thatch with a dethatcher (verticutter). Homeowners can rent these specialized machines from better lawn supply centers or equipment rental businesses.
Published July 4, 2011
Dr. Wayne Wells is an Extension Professor and Turfgrass Specialist. His mailing address is Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mail Stop 9555, Mississippi State, MS 39762. wwells@ext.msstate.edu