How many greenhouses do I need in order to get rich?
Greenhouse tomato production is a highly technical horticultural business. Any new grower will make many mistakes while climbing the steep learning curve associated with starting out in the greenhouse tomato business. I always advise people to start with one greenhouse, even if they intend to eventually grow an acre or more. It is much better to learn and make mistakes on one greenhouse than on 10. Starting too big is the number one reason for failure.
RAYMOND, Miss. -- Current and prospective greenhouse vegetable growers can learn about the specialized production method during Mississippi State University’s 2024 Greenhouse Vegetable Short Course on Feb. 27-28. The course will be held at the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center’s Magnolia Building in Verona from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. It is open to greenhouse vegetable producers throughout the Southeast.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Vegetable growers soon will have two chances to learn about managing pests on produce in greenhouses and high tunnels.
There’s nothing more satisfying than homegrown tomatoes. You don’t have to be a gardening expert to grow delicious tomatoes in your backyard. Here are a few tips that will help you grow the best looking (and tasting) tomatoes out there: