Junior Master Wellness Volunteers

What is the Junior Master Wellness Volunteer program?
A community health education and volunteer-leader training program offered through the Mississippi State University Extension 4-H program, in partnership with the University of Mississippi Medical Center and the UMMC Myrlie Evers-Williams Institute.
Who are the Junior Master Wellness Volunteers?
Students in various disciplines, including Health Science (Allied Health Science), Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H clubs, and other clubs or organizations, who receive training and deliver health messages in communities.
Junior Master Wellness Volunteers are compassionate teenagers, ages 14 to 18.
Junior Master Wellness Volunteers are teens who care about
- serving their communities.
- enhancing their leadership skills.
- improving health for kids, adults, and seniors.
- advocating for their communities.
- extending wellness knowledge.
- serving as role models.
- improving health literacy.
- increasing healthy lifestyle choices.
How is the program delivered?
- Face-to-face in classroom or group settings.
- Online using Canvas.
Both delivery methods include module overviews, learning objectives, activity checklists, lesson readings, videos, interactive practice activities, supplemental resources, social media messages, discussion boards or in-person group discussions, quizzes and assessments, and other key information.
Throughout the delivery, either online or face-to-face, your local Extension agent will be your facilitator. Contact your local MSU Extension county office for more information.
What Junior Master Wellness Volunteers are giving
- Supporting communities’ ongoing and new wellness programs.
- Providing health promotion to improve community health understanding.
- Encouraging others to make healthier lifestyle choices.
What Junior Master Wellness Volunteers are gaining
- Improved leadership and team-building skills.
- Increased knowledge of health issues.
- Improved social skills.
- Opportunities for recognition.
- Opportunities for connection to community.
- Increased self-efficacy.
- Increased knowledge of career choices.
- Enhanced résumé for college and job opportunities.
Health Topics Covered
- Privacy, Health Literacy, & Cultural Competency
- Hypertension & Diabetes
- Obesity & Healthy Eating
- Oral Health
- Mental Health Wellness
- Asthma Awareness
- Bullying Prevention
- Heat & Sun Safety Awareness
- Substance Misuse Prevention
- Functional Foods
- Teen Relationships
- Illness & Injury Simulation
Community Service Hours
After receiving training from the local Extension agent, teens are required to give back 24 hours of community service over the school year. These hours can range from delivering health messages in one-on-one or group settings to carrying out group projects that promote health and wellness in the community.
Contact us!
Ann Sansing
Extension Instructor
Jasmine Harris-Speight
Extension Instructor
Dr. David Buys
State Health Specialist and Associate Professor
Funding provided by the National 4-H Council under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for Well Connected Communities “Wave 3” project.
M2184 (05-23)
For disability accommodation, please contact Ann Sansing at asansing@ext.msstate.edu.
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