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Weed Identification: Red vs. Ivyleaf vs. Entireleaf Morningglory

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Publication Number: P3704
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Weed Identification

Family: Convolvulaceae (Morningglory)




(Ipomoea coccinea)

(Impomoea hederacea)

(Impomoea hederacea var. integriuscula)


Three pots are pictured representing the morningglory family. From left: Red morningglory featuring points on leaf edges; Ivyleaf morningglory featuring three lobes; and the heart-shaped Entireleaf morningglory.  Red MG seeds: Small brown round seeds pictured with points on both ends of each seed. Ivyleaf MG seeds: Small brown round seeds pictured with points on both ends of each seed. Entireleaf MG seeds: Small brown round seeds pictured with points on both ends of each seed.


One weed seed is enough to start an infestation.

Publication 3704 (POD-09-21)

By Taghi Bararpour, PhD, Assistant Extension/Research Professor, and Darrin Dodds, PhD, Professor and Head.

Department: Plant and Soil Sciences
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