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On this edition of Farmweek, find out how greens and gills are thriving in indoor aquaponics. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses cleome. Our first feature story will take a look at the Mississippi Tree Farmer of the Year. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, USDA issues license for first PEDv vaccine. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses purple coneflowers. Our first feature story will take a look at how FARMtastic is teaching students. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, find out why you can find a large range of bean development within the state. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses vitex blooms. In Food Factor, Natasha Haynes discusses international travel tips. Our first feature story will take a look at organic poultry operations and how they are helping a war veteran. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, find out how rice and corn prices may trigger farmer payments under the new farm bill. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses lantana. In Food Factor, find out why the most dangerous bugs at your picnic are the ones you cannot see. Our first feature story will look at Kent Winstead, 2013 Mississippi Outstanding Logger of the Year. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, find out how animal welfare issues are affecting the way consumers are buying. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses beautyberries. In Food Factor, find out why you should make water your number one beverage. Our first feature story will discuss the Missouri Show Me Select Replacement Heifer program. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, you will travel to Nichols Farms, the nation’s fifth largest beef seedstock operation. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses the close-up beauty of flowers. In Food Factor, how home canning can save you money. Our first feature story will pay tribute to George Berry, Sr., master woodcarver. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, Russia bans agricultural imports from U.S. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses how shad gardens can hide you from the heat. In Food Factor, creamy and safe homemade ice cream will be discussed. Our first feature story will show a program in Iowa is preserving oral histories of farmers. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, record corn and soybean crops are predicted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses elephant ears. In Food Factor, see what you can and cannot put into microwaves. Our first feature story discusses how a computer mouse replaces arm waving in commodity trading. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, the EPA has no plans to ditch its proposed rewrite of the water rule. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses how dwarf cannas are short and beautiful. In Food Factor, spice up your grilling with some marinades. Our first feature story will show a Farmweek flash back from 10 years ago. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.
On this edition of Farmweek, Nestle adopts worldwide animal welfare standards for its suppliers. In Southern Gardening, Gary Bachman discusses the basics for growing muscadines. In Food Factor, non-peanut ideas will be discussed to spruce up your lunch. Our first feature story will discuss soil moisture sensors and how they save money by increasing yields and conserving water. Farmweek is a production of Mississippi State University Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications.