Montgomery County Farmers Market Training for Mississippi Certified Farmers’ Market Vendors and Cottage Food Industries
MSU Extension- Montgomery County
618 Summit Street
Winona, Mississippi 38967
Any vendor selling produce, value added or cottage food product that sells at a local farmers market. Food processors, who can acidified foods, such as pickles, salsas, tomatoes, or other acidified food products for sale in Mississippi Certified Farmers' Markets (FM that are certified by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce) or qualify as a Cottage Food Industry are highly encouraged to attend an acidified canned foods training course. Successful completion of this training will help to ensure your product is both legal and safe.
Please register either by calling 662-283-4133 or use this link to register online
Workshop Schedule:
9:00 a.m. Registration & Welcome
9:30 a.m. General Food Safety Training
10:30 a.m. Acidified Canned Foods
12:00 p.m. Conclusion
Don't miss this opportunity to improve your business with knowledge to protect you and your customers. After this event you will get a certificate for these workshops: General Food Safety Training & Acidified Canned Foods.
For accommodation please contact the Montgomery County Extension Office at 662-283-4133.
Instructors: Lara Angel, Dr. Joy Anderson, Dr. Juan L. Silva
Facilitator: Amy B. Ware
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