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Board of Directors

Mississippi BCIA Beef Cattle Improvement Association image.

2022-2023 MBCIA Officers

Danny Martin                              

Vice President
David Knighton                     

Rhonda Vann                   

Brandi Karisch

Commercial Producers 
Danny Martin (Term expires 2025)
Ben Washburn (Term expires 2026)

Purebred Producers 
Jake Thames (Term expires 2024)
Billy Sumrall (Term expires 2024)
Ricky Nicholas (Term expires 2025)
David Knighton (Term expires 2026)

Executive Vice-President of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association
Andy Berry

President of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association
Jeff Magee

Representative of the Animal and Dairy Sciences Department, Mississippi State University
Trent Smith

Extension Animal Scientist
Ty Jones

Extension Agent
Lance Newman

Representative from Hinds Bull Test Station
Kenny Banes

Representative from South Mississippi Gain on Forage Bull Testing Program
Adam Barrillueax

Representative from the locations of BCIA sponsored sales
Kyle Lewis

Past Presidents of Mississippi BCIA



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Publication Number: P2464
Publication Number: P2501
Publication Number: P2564
Publication Number: P2629
Publication Number: P2518


A man stands in front of people seated around a table.
Filed Under: Agriculture, Crops, Commercial Fruit and Nuts, Other Vegetables, Forages, Livestock, Beef, Apiculture: Honey Bee Health, Equine, Goats and Sheep, Forestry, Wildlife February 24, 2025

RAYMOND, Miss. -- A large group of agricultural producers and industry professionals met with Mississippi State University personnel during the 2025 Central Mississippi Producer Advisory Council meeting Feb. 18 in Raymond at the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center. The annual forum provides clients, MSU administrators, researchers, specialists and Extension agents an opportunity to meet in small commodity groups to discuss the research and educational needs of producers in the region.

Several cows and calves stand in a pasture.
Filed Under: Agriculture, Livestock, Beef May 21, 2024

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Beef cattle prices are the best they have been in nearly a decade for Mississippi’s producers, but they face some tough management challenges to ensure their operations are profitable.

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Portrait of Dr. Brandi Bourg Karisch
Assoc Extension/Research Prof
Beef Cattle, Nutrition, Management, Health

Your Extension Experts

Portrait of Ms. Libby Suzanne Durst
Extension Associate II
Portrait of Dr. Brandi Bourg Karisch
Assoc Extension/Research Prof
Portrait of Dr. Barbara Roqueto dos Reis
Assistant Professor