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Flowers & Arrangements

Many people come to the Fest each year to browse our extensive annual and perennial flower gardens, or to buy plants, yard art, and garden supplies from some of our 60 vendors. We don’t have vendors this year, but we do have some top-notch videos from some of your favorite speakers. Learn about plant propagation, wildflowers, indoor plants, and the Southern Gardener’s best Medallions plants, and for even more info, click the link at the bottom of the page.

Three Plants for Clean Air—Dr. Jim Del Prince

How to Use Magnolia Leaves in a Flower Arrangement—Dr. Jim Del Prince

Wildflowers for MS Gardens—Dr. Christian Stephenson

Plant Propagation: Seeds, Division, and Layering—Dr. Christian Stephenson

Gary's Medallion Plants—Dr. Gary Bachman

Visit this playlist and learn more about how to make the most of your flowers.

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