How often do I have to pollinate?
Pollination should be every other day, preferable between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. when the relative humidity is lowest.
Did you know lettuce was one of the first vegetables brought to America by Christopher Columbus? What a great fun fact!
If there’s one thing that’s important in gardening, it’s proper watering. Vegetable gardens need about 1 inch of water each week.
Mississippi’s ideal growing season means gardens can yield a lot of produce, but this usually comes with the help of pesticides to combat insects and diseases.
It is vital that home gardeners know how much time must elapse between application of the product and when the food is harvested, a time frame known as the pre-harvest interval, or PHI.
Success Stories
Fenton Pope looked around his native Covington County a quarter-century ago and saw what he believed was an alarming amount of farmland out of production.
Susie Harmon laughs when she relates her granddaughter’s observation of her favorite pastime.
Paul Cavanaugh became a Master Gardener when he came off the road as a truck driver and his wife encouraged him to find a hobby.