Member Advantages

‘4-H People’ all seem to have one thing in common –
They love 4-H and feel a huge need to share the 4-H experience with anyone who will listen.

What is the Power of MVLA?

What is the power of the Mississippi 4-H Volunteer Leaders’ Association? Quite simply, YOU are. No organization is more volunteer driven than 4-H. Behind every 4-Her is a Volunteer who freely gives their time so that 4-Her is prepared and motivated to succeed – but that success isn’t determined by win/loss records but by what was learned and what was accomplished. What a great legacy to be a part of!

MVLA is the ‘Power Line’ that connects a vast network of 4-H Volunteers and Extension personnel across Mississippi and through the use of today’s technology, that connection is even easier. Zoom meetings, webinars, Facebook postings, as well as face to face conferences and forums allow us to connect, recharge, and create a lifetime of memories and friends, dispersing the energy that keeps 4-H moving forward into the future.

MVLA is open to all 4-H Volunteers and Extension personnel and serves as a bridge to help Extension staff reach more youth throughout the state, even in times of budget-restraints and personnel shortages. While its focus is on Adult Leadership Development, MVLA membership benefits everyone.

Through MVLA, you can grow, lead, make new friends, learn something new, have fun, and feel the power that comes from being part of something great! As 4-H Volunteers, we understand the challenges of helping a 4-Her write a speech and then listen to it again and again while they practice. We know how tired you get when helping them feed the animal in the coldest rain and the stress you experience learning how to program the robot so you can teach the 4-Her how to do it. We know how it feels when the 4-Her goes out on the Shooting Range for the first time or the hundredth time, and we know the time you give (and money you spend) to drive 4-Hers to meetings, to workshops, to community service, to contests.

Most importantly, we know the pride that comes when that 4-Her improves and you see their confidence rising and you know it was all worth it, because you helped ‘make the best better.’

MVLA also does one more very important thing; it serves as a collective voice from across the state, that speaks to ensure 4-H provides opportunities for young and old alike. Through this collective voice, MVLA is able to:

  • Provide funding for 4-H activities.
  • Promote the need for 4-H to our elected officials.
  • Impact the future for thousands of young people and Volunteers in Mississippi.

MVLA celebrated 40 years of service in 2023 and we plan to continue that service well into the future, but we need you to make that happen. Through MVLA you can run for an office, recognize others or be recognized for your volunteer work, attend and/or conduct workshops, serve on committees, network, and recruit, recruit, recruit to keep MVLA growing strong!

MVLA is the Power Line that helps Volunteers recharge and succeed. That’s the power of MVLA!

If not yet a member, join today!


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Two women smile as they enjoy colorful potted ornamental plants.
Filed Under: Junior Master Wellness Volunteer, Master Gardener, Mississippi 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Association - MVLA, Natural Resources January 3, 2018

Success Stories

A group of five people, each holding awards, smiling.
Volume 9 Number 1

Ray Henderson’s love for the outdoors began in his youth with learning by doing in 4-H Forestry. He won the State 4-H Congress competition, went to nationals, and placed fifth. After he aged out of the youth development program, he pursued a career with the U.S. Forest Service, and he volunteered in the 1990s as a coach for a few 4-H Forestry teams in Wayne and Greene Counties.

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