Pest and Disease Control
Choose insect and disease resistant varieties when possible. Keep the garden clean, neat, and weed-free, and be alert for early signs of trouble to reduce the need for pesticides. To prevent the spread of leaf diseases, water in the morning or early enough in the evening so foliage has time to dry before dark. Soapy water or insecticidal soap will control many insect pests. Read all label directions before buying or using any pesticide, and follow all precautions.
Growing citrus in containers has been a rewarding experience for me and some of my friends, and it might be something you should consider for your own landscape.
Loropetalums have a bold beauty in landscapes that I admire, but I’ve noticed that the traditional, large varieties can sometimes be a bit overwhelming in small garden spaces.
If you’re looking for plants that are easy to grow, bloom nonstop and attract a flurry of pollinators, let me introduce you to two standout salvias: Rockin’ Deep Purple and Unplugged Pink.
These vibrant, long-blooming beauties not only add stunning color to the garden but also provide essential nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.