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News Filed Under Family

Clutter fills a room.
April 16, 2024 - Filed Under: Family, MSU Extension Healthy Housing Programs

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Spring’s arrival motivates many people to refresh the spaces where they spend their time. This refresh should include removing clutter, which can affect quality of life and lead to serious health concerns if small amounts turn into larger amounts.

April 1, 2024 - Filed Under: 4-H, Equine Assisted Therapy Programs

WEST POINT, Miss. -- Sometimes, supporting veterans can be as easy as showing up for dinner.

The Mississippi State University Extension Service is hosting a cookout benefitting members of its Veterans’ Horsemanship Program, one of several divisions in its Equine-Assisted Therapy Program. The cookout will take place April 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Elizabeth A. Howard Therapeutic Riding and Activity Center in West Point.

March 26, 2024 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, Mississippi LIFT Resource and Referral Network

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Individuals interested in working with young children and families are encouraged to apply for job openings with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral at MSU Extension is seeking program associates and office associates in Hancock, Harrison, Hinds, Warren, Madison, Prentiss, Chickasaw, Rankin, Lowndes and Newton counties.

Person washing a stain out of a white piece of clothing.
March 8, 2024 - Filed Under: Family

There’s nothing more annoying than getting something on your shirt and it leaves a stain. I know the feeling all too well.

Seven women stand in the Mississippi State Capitol building.
February 29, 2024 - Filed Under: Mississippi LIFT Resource and Referral Network

Staff from the Mississippi State University Extension Service’s Early Childhood Programs attended the 2024 Early Childhood Capitol Day on Feb. 6.

Three men stand around a trailer that holds a large irrigation pipe.
January 19, 2024 - Filed Under: About Extension, Agriculture, Community, Family, Food and Health, Insects, Lawn and Garden, Natural Resources

You may know Extension for it's strong connection to agriculture and the 4-H youth development program. But Extension offers much more. Get a glimpse of the wide range of programs and services our organization provides.

January 17, 2024 - Filed Under: Community, Family, Lawn and Garden, Landscape Architecture, Smart Landscapes, Natural Resources

PICAYUNE, Miss. -- Fans of The History Channel’s “Forged in Fire” can see season-six champion Seth Borries demonstrating his skills in person during Forge Day at The Crosby Arboretum. Forge Day will be held Jan. 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Picayune. This family-friendly event highlights the historic and modern uses of the forge.

January 9, 2024 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, Mississippi LIFT Resource and Referral Network

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Individuals interested in working with young children and families in Warren County are encouraged to apply for job openings with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral at MSU Extension is seeking a program associate and an office associate.

A pile of gifts wrapped in various papers and ribbons.
December 15, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Natural Resources, Environment, Waste Management

When you think about the holidays, all the food, gifts, holiday décor, and gatherings with friends and family likely come to mind. What you may not think about is how much garbage we create during this season. Check out these tips that can help you recycle this holiday season.

December 8, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, MSU Extension Healthy Housing Programs, Creating Healthy Indoor Childcare Environments

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Healthy lifestyles and healthy homes may seem like two separate concepts, but both components are important for overall well-being. David Buys, health specialist with the Mississippi State University Extension Service, encourages people to consider giving their homes a checkup in the new year.

a closeup of a person taking $20 dollar bills out of a wallet
November 13, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Family Financial Management, Basic Money Management, Credit

If the gift-giving season is more stressful than cheerful for you, don’t panic. Get prepared! These tips can help you manage your spending this holiday season.

October 20, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, Nurturing Homes Initiative

STARKVILLE, Miss.-- In-home, unlicensed childcare providers in Mississippi can receive technical assistance, educational resources and professional development through the Nurturing Homes Initiative program. Delivered through the Mississippi State University Extension Service, NHI is dedicated to enhancing the quality of early education experiences in family childcare homes. The program is open to any in-home, unlicensed childcare providers who provide full-time, year-round childcare services to children from birth to 5 years old.

A group of people hold a ribbon in front of a building entrance.
September 26, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, Mississippi LIFT Resource and Referral Network

HATTIESBURG, Miss. -- Toy trucks loaded with miniature felt apples idle their imaginary engines in an orchard of building-blocks. A toy kitchen beckons tiny chefs to bake felt apple pies. A row of small lab coats hung neatly along the wall invite little visitors to explore why apples float in a bowl full of water. These are just a few of the apple-themed, hands-on learning opportunities that are engaging children in September at the new Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral Center in Hattiesburg. The center held its grand opening Sept. 19.

September 11, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, Mississippi LIFT Resource and Referral Network

RAYMOND, Miss. -- Individuals interested in working with young children and families are encouraged to apply for job openings with the Mississippi State University Extension Service. Mississippi Child Care Resource and Referral at MSU Extension is hiring program associates and office associates in several counties statewide.

Boy with blue backpack.
August 14, 2023 - Filed Under: Health and Wellness, Children and Parenting

Now that school is back in session for many of us, everyone is getting back into the swing of things.

April 27, 2023 - Filed Under: Community, Family, Landscape Architecture

PICAYUNE, Miss. -- The Mississippi State University Crosby Arboretum will hold its biannual music night May 6 in Picayune. Attendees will enjoy three live performances by area acts during Music Under the Stars. The event will be held on the Pinecote Pavilion from 6 to 9 p.m.

A man and woman sit opposite one another while talking.
April 17, 2023 - Filed Under: MSU Extension Head Start

GULFPORT, Miss. -- When Martin King’s sister encouraged him to enroll his children in Head Start, he took her advice. And he said he’s glad he did. King’s children, ages 3 and 5, began class in September at Gaston Point Head Start. It is one of several locations in Harrison County where the Mississippi State University Extension Service manages and delivers the early learning program.

Two men tie barbed wire around a fence post.
April 14, 2023 - Filed Under: Disaster Response, Disaster Relief, Disaster Recovery

EGYPT, Miss. -- On hot days, Robert Thompson’s beef cows used to retreat to a cluster of trees in the middle of his pasture for shade.

The 24-head herd will have to cool down elsewhere now as two towering brush and limb piles have replaced the resting area. Clearing a new place for the cows is one of many tasks facing Thompson after an EF-3 tornado chewed through the 18-acre grazing area in Monroe County during a March 25 severe weather outbreak.

Four students stand in a row with their teacher and hold up the herbs they were about to plant in the raised bed.
April 12, 2023 - Filed Under: Family, Children and Parenting, MSU Extension Head Start

D’IBERVILLE, Miss. -- Students at Gilbert Mason Head Start eagerly anticipated Work Together Wednesday, when the 4- and 5-year-old classmates planted herbs in the school’s raised beds. Wednesday’s activities were part of the school’s celebration of the Week of the Young Child held nationwide April 1-7. The annual observance is organized by the National Association for the Education of the Young Child. Each day, teachers used themes related to food, music and art to encourage movement and healthy lifestyles for students and parents.

January 12, 2023 - Filed Under: Creating Healthy Indoor Childcare Environments, Healthy Water Practices, Water, SipSafe

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A water sampling program conducted by the Mississippi State University Extension Service has encouraging initial data about lead levels in drinking water collected at child care centers around the state.

Preliminary data gathered as part of the SipSafe program paint a reassuring picture for most of the faucets sampled.
