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Today on Farmweek... The U.S. turns back two shipments of Vietnamese catfish for illegal dyes and anti-biotics.
The Food Factor - Keep dogs and chocolate separated or you could poison your best friend.
Southern Gardening - Salvia is a proven performer that attracts butterflies and pollinators.
The Markets - chicken prices may feel some pressure as summer kicks in... while soybean supplies will be tighter than expected for the net two years.
The Feature Segment - Steven Silverman of the National Appeals Division discusses the basics of appealing an adverse decision by the USDA.
Today on Farmweek
Today on Farmweek
The Food Factor, portion control, find out some practical ways to control how much you eat.
Southern Gardening, spiller plants, these plants give your pots an extra zing.
The Markets this week, a dip in catfish processing firms-up pond-bank prices while cotton prices are not expected to trade far from their present range in coming weeks.
The Feature Segment... New tech on the farm. We'll take you from Australia to Iowa to see the kind of high technology that is headed to farm country.
Today on Farmweek
A major ag-lender says the Delta could lose a lot of farmers if the farm economy downturn lasts longer than expected.
The Food Factor - Oatmeal, there's more than one kind and Natasha will have some new ways to prepare it.
Southern Gardening - The bougain-villa is tropical and its beauty is enough to enchant you.
In The Markets - Soybeans are the big winner in this weeks USDA report... but, the trade throws the brakes on the recent rally in the cattle sector.
The MSU Trial Gardens in Starkville is featured today. It's a laboratory where tough love is handed out.
Today on Farmweek... The EPA is about to declare officially, that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer. The Food Factor has information about kale being a superfood. One cup is packed with more vitamin C than some oranges. Southern Gardening will give suggestions on plants to use to build a shady container for your mother. In the Markets... Fireworks in the soybean pit before prices retreat; prices remain strong for hardwood sawlogs. James Henderson has an analysis. The Feature Segment is about Bobby Watkins, 2015 Tree Farmer of the Year.
Today on Farmweek... U.S. Farmers say more workers are needed to help harvest crops. In The Food Factor...Speed shopping. Speed up the pace of your shopping and slow down the growth of your food budget. In Southern Gardening... Weird Plants. You probably haven't seen many of these but one of them you can eat.
On Farmweek this week... Farm program payments are expected to be the highest in years due to the decline in farm prices. Mississippi residents are learning about the cultural and spiritual aspects of Japanese floral design. The Food Factor... Sweet potatoes - they're nutritious and we'll have some new ways to cook them. On Southern Gardening... Columbine - it's hardy and it grows in a variety of climates. The Markets... The cotton trade ponder what China's long-awaited plans may mean, as analysts fret that part of the cattle sector can't do what it's supposed.
Today on Farmweek - The Environmental Protection Agency admits funding anti-ag billboards in the state of Washington. WalMart says it will sell only cage-free eggs by 2025. In The Food Factor, when it comes to storage, find out if you should keep it on the counter or in the fridge. In Southern Gardening, annuals make beautiful containers for your home. In The Markets, it may be time to sell some new crop soybeans -- as grilling season may help shore-up lagging beef demand. Feature segment - U.S.
Farmweek, April 8, 2016, Mississippi farmers plan to plant more corn, cotton, and rice this year. The Food Factor is a well-oiled machine, but you don't see everything that's recorded. We'll have the bloopers from behind the scenes. In Southern Gardening, Gary gives us some ideas to make hanging baskets into color accents for your home. In the Markets... skyrocketing corn acreage puts prices in a holding pattern, as the feeder cattle trade may have to deal with more downside.
Today on Farmweek... Improvements at the Panama Canal are expected to increase U.S. grain exports. The Food Factor explains how to dress up a boring salad for better health and nutrition. Southern Gardening has a mad scientist explaining how plants really work. In the Markets... Rice prices feel the pressure from lagging demand - while herd expansion is ending in the pork sector, which may lift hog prices. Hear about the Mississippi Forestry Association's present Outstanding Logger of the Year, Freddy Wallace.
Another major food company says it will comply with Vermont's GMO labeling law while the U.S. Senate fails to pass a GMO bill. In The Food Factor... Natasha will have some advice on keeping your cast iron cookware in great shape. Tree planting time is almost over. Watch the Southern Gardening segment to find ways to get your trees started right. In The Markets... U.S. catfish processing and sales increase as 2016 rolls along, the wheat trade tries to find its footing, and better prices.