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It's a feature story edition...We'll travel to the Midwest, where therapeutic horseback riding has found a new audience. It's being used to help veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Southern Gardening, Gary says now is the time to make your landscape beds and make them to last. In The Food Factor...It sometimes takes a leader to help you eat healthier. That leader could be you. Learn how to raise wild turkeys using the proper habitat.
The EPA pulls an insecticide used on 200 crops including, at least, one in Mississippi. In The Food Factor - don't depend on the Luck of the Irish for healthier living. You need to go for the green. In Southern Gardening today, Gary says you should try modern varieties of kale for beauty and nutrition. In the Markets - Sideways prices signal there is plenty of corn around the country as U.S. beef exports swing higher. But, prices may threaten this trend. The Feature Segment - The Southeast Mississippi Livestock Association and Auction Barn of Hattiesburg is nearing the 51 year mark.
The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear a farmer challenge of the EPA water authority. In The Food Factor...How to keep those restaurant size portions from knocking your diet off the rails. In Southern Gardening today, Gary opens up the mail bag and answers questions. In the Markets...The livestock sector is said to be looking good. You'll find out why, and cotton growers are advised to hunker down by trader Nicosia. In the Feature Segment...The controversy over GMOs isn't new, but what will the future hold for new GMO products? What about animals including GMO fish?
Mississippi 4-Hers honor members of the Mississippi legislature.
The Food Factor's Natasha Haynes says you can find fresh vegetables in the winter and she'll have tips on how to cook them.
Southern Gardening - Learn how to protect plants during cold snaps.
In the Markets - Fish sales for both farmers and processors take an uptick as U.S. soybean exports hold steady.
McCullars Orchard of Batesville, MS is known for its quality, locally grown peaches. The orchard was almost destroyed by deer before it got started.
President Obama proposes cutting the USDA budget by 5.3%. Watch The Food Factor segment and learn to celebrate Valentines Day by committing to healthy hearts. Southern Gardening will show you how to make it Valentines all year long. In the Markets... more producers may gamble on cotton this year in the Midsouth as one chicken processor plans for mass lay-offs before mid-summer.
Today on Farmweek... Monsanto is taking California to court to keep it from declaring glyphosate a carcinogen. Learn how to avoid food poisoning penalties at your Super Bowl party. In Southern Gardening - The Shishi Gashira Camellia has great winter color and it will thrive across the southeast and beyond. In the Markets - Feeder cattle appear to be on the offensive, at least, for a while longer. There may be a silver lining in the wheat trade. Brian Williams will have analysis. The feature segment will present the Mississippi Tree Farmer of the Year, Bobby Watkins.
The Iowa caucuses take place Monday, so it's not surprising the candidates are expressing their opinions on ethanol.
Soil fertility in a tight budget year was one of the items discussed at last weeks Delta Ag Expo in Cleveland.
In The Food Factor - fight the next battle in the junk food war with veggie chips.
Southern Gardening - Try the Savannah holly. It can be anything from a tall shrub to a 35-foot specimen tree.
In the Markets support for cotton prices appear soft, while U.S.
There's a new outbreak of Avian Flu in the Midwest. MSU Extension is releasing a popular cattle app for use on android devices. In The Food Factor...meatloaf makeover. See how to make this family favorite a little healthier.
You don't have to suffer through the winter with a dull landscape. Watch Southern Gardening to learn how to make your winter brighter.
In the Markets... soybean prices are expected to remain capped for months, while U.S. catfish processing is up five percent for the year.
Feature... The year 2015 in review for national and world agriculture.
Today on Farmweek, a well-known U.S. food company says it supports a system of mandatory GMO food labeling. Hear highlights of the tri-state soybean meeting held Jan. 8, 2016, in Stoneville. On The Food Factor, learn when to keep food and when to toss it. Southern Gardening, with Gary Bachman, gives advice on having fresh vegetables all year, even in winter. Market - Wheat prices jump the most in two months on the new crop numbers. Continued cold weather may support cattle prices.
Today on Farmweek... Agriculture production value dropped in Mississippi during 2015, row crops had the most significant drop, while poultry and forestry increased. Find some practical ways to change your diet habits for the new year in The Food Factor segment. Want to winterize your ornamental grasses? Find out how in today's Southern Gardening segment. In the markets - record-low cattle placements prompt many questions in the beef sector, while old-crop soybeans may be losing value due to slow export sales.