Public Water System Board Management Training Program
What is the Board Management Training Program?
The Board Management Training Program was developed following the passage of a law by the Mississippi Legislature requiring board members of community water systems to attend management training. This legislation came about because of growing concerns of maintaining safe water supplies and the increasing technical and legal responsibilities assumed by board members.
Who is required to attend the Board Management Training Program?
According to Section 41-26-101, Mississippi Code of 1972, board members elected or reelected after June 30, 1998, to serve on a governing board of any community water system are required to attend the Board Management Training Program. This includes mayors. Board members, representing municipalities with a population greater than 10,000, are exempt from participating in the program.
Once I have attended the session, do I have to attend again?
No. As the law is currently written, once you have attended Board Management Training, you are certified for life.
Can I participate in the program even if I am not required to?
Yes. If you represent a municipal water system with a population greater than 10,000 you may still attend. If you have already met the training requirement, you may also attend the training again or view the videos found on to refresh and sharpen your skills.
What will I learn by attending the program?
Board members are exposed to a variety of information dealing with water system management. The curriculum includes the following topics: laws and regulations, duties and responsibilities, emergency preparedness, management and finance, rate setting, long-range planning, and customer service and public relations.
How much is the registration fee?
The registration fee is $75 and should be reimbursed to the board member as an expense to the community water system. This fee includes a copy of the Management Training Manual for Board Members of Public Water Supplies.
Who teaches the training sessions?
The Mississippi State University Extension Service coordinates this program. The instructors for the training sessions consist of technical assistance providers, managers, and operators from the Communities Unlimited, the Mississippi Rural Water Association, and the Mississippi Water and Pollution Control Operators’ Association.
Where are the training sessions held and how long do they last?
The training sessions are held in various locations across the state so extensive travel is not needed to attend a training session. This eight-hour training is held as a one-day session or is divided into two nights so participants with work or other obligations can easily make arrangements to attend.
How do I know if a training session is being held in my area?
If a training session is being held in your area, you should receive notice in the mail at least one month prior to the session. A training calendar is published yearly and sent to all community water systems (including municipalities).
How many times will I have to attend the board management training session?
Only once and you must be present for the entire eight hours. Upon completion of the session, you will be certified for life even if you are re-elected to the board.
Will I have to take a test?
No examinations will be given at the training session. However, you will be asked to complete a self-assessment at the beginning of each session, which lets the instructors know what type of audience is present. At the end of the training session a post-assessment will be distributed to all participants. This will give you an opportunity to evaluate each instructor as well as the board training program.
What if there are no training sessions in my area and I want to have a session held in my hometown?
Training sessions can be held upon request from an individual system or town. All sessions must have at least 15 registrations in order to meet a specific training request. Assistance in obtaining a meeting facility and notifying other area board members is preferred. You must contact Kase Kingery (phone 662.325.4453, fax 662.325.8954, or email in order to arrange a training session.
What are the differences in the training sessions held throughout the state?
Communities Unlimited, Mississippi Rural Water Association, and Mississippi Water and Pollution Control Operators' Association conduct board training sessions throughout the state. All of the instructors have pre-approval from the Mississippi State Department of Health to teach the subject matter at each session. All of the organizations distribute the same training manual and follow the same outline. Training session discussions may vary based on audience participation.
How is Mississippi State University Extension Service involved in this training?
Mississippi State University Extension Service contracted with the Mississippi State Department of Health to provide coordination and support to the Public Water System Management Training program. The University serves as a neutral third party to provide assistance to all of the organizations conducting training.
Who do I contact to find out more information?
Kase Kingery
Box 9643
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone – 662.325.4453
FAX – 662.325.8954
E-Mail Address –
Website –
Success Stories
For the last few years, Gary Gasaway and Buddy Wiltshire have been nervous during the winter months. (Photo by Kevin Hudson)