Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a certified private pesticide applicator?
To become a certified private pesticide applicator one must attend a scheduled private pesticide applicator certification meeting conducted by one of the MSU-ES county agents. The attendee must complete the application form and pass the certification test. For additional information on a private pesticide applicator certification meeting contact your local county agent's office.
How do I become a certified commercial pesticide applicator?
To become a certified commercial pesticide applicator one must complete and pass two examinations. The first is the General Standards exam and the second exam is in the particular category the applicator selects. The self-study manuals for the examinations can be obtained from Mississippi State University Extension Service (see Study Materials Order Form) or by contacting M. Eugene Merkl, Jr. at 662-325-5829 or Payment for the self-study manuals may be made online by credit card or mail checks made payable to the MSU Extension Service to M. Eugene Merkl, Jr., Box 9775, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Payment must be received before the manuals are mailed. Individuals on campus can purchase manuals at the Lyle Entomology Complex (Room 103), 100 Old Highway 12, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Payment for the manuals must be made at time of purchase.
How many years does a private pesticide applicator certification last?
The private pesticide applicator certification is good for 5 years. At least 6 months before the expiration of the certification the applicator will need to attend a scheduled certification meeting conducted by the county agent. County agents will notify applicators by news releases, agent letters, and other sources.
How many years does a commercial pesticide applicator certification last?
The commercial pesticide applicator certification is good for 3 years. The applicator must attend a recertification training session or a meeting approved by the Bureau of Plant Industry to be recertified.
What category of commercial applicator training do I need?
The category for which an applicator must be certified depends on the applicator's job and the area for which the application is to be made. For additional information consult the category manuals list.
When are commercial recertification meetings held?
See the Commercial Applicator Recertification Schedules for times and locations of commercial recertification meetings.
STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Private pesticide applicators will have new training requirements beginning July 1.
Professionals involved in pest management in Mississippi can attend a Mississippi State University workshop on March 26 to renew a variety of licenses and certifications. The 2024 General Pest Management Workshop will be held from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the MSU Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Raymond. Lunch will be provided. Participants must pay a $25 registration fee by March 15 to reserve a spot in the workshop.
MISSISSIPPI STATE , Miss. -- A Mississippi State University Extension Service specialist has been elected to the executive board of the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators. Gene Merkl, program manager for pesticide safety education for the state of Mississippi, will serve as president-elect for the nationwide organization. His service on the board is a three-year commitment.
Success Stories
Edna Ruth Morgan’s family never would have guessed her chosen career would have been in entomology.
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