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Success Stories

MP3C – Mississippi Partnership for Comprehensive Cancer Control - Northeast MS Regional Chapter

Over 13,000 people on the campus of Mississippi State University (MSU) were exposed to the message of skin cancer risk and prevention through programs and a media campaign. The Department of Health, Education & Wellness at MSU was the award recipient of a grant totaling $10,000 to raise awareness about skin cancer among Mississippi State University students. Members from this institution are actively involved in the Northeast Regional Chapter. The Mississippi State Department of Health’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are gratefully acknowledged for financial support of this project. Some portions of this project can be replicated with success at other universities. Download a complete review of the final grant report.

Colorectal Cancer is the third leading cause of death in men and women according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recent trends showed a decline in colorectal cancer deaths throughout the United States, however, Mississippi reported a negative decline in colon cancer. The Cancer Beat It grant provided a unique opportunity for at-risk members of northeast Mississippi to learn about colorectal risk factors and what they could do to aid in prevention. A total of 139 people were exposed to the colon cancer risk and prevention information in five locations with the goal of increasing awareness of colorectal cancer risk factors, screening guidelines, and the impact of diet and exercise on health. This award recipient was Mississippi University for Women, Department of Healthy and Kinesiology. Members in this department are advocates for MP3C and its mission. Visit the link below to learn more about the program and outcomes. (Cancer - Beat)

The organizational readiness for a smoke-free policy on the campus of Mississippi University for Women was undertaken by the NE Regional Chapter. The scope of this project was limited to readiness assessment activities (focus groups, surveys) and building capacity for change (training smoking cessation facilitators using the American Lung Association’s Freedom for Smoking (FFS) program). The produce of the readiness assessment consisted of a report that detailed the focus group and survey findings regarding the “readiness” of the Mississippi University for Women to adopt a smoke-free policy. The product of the capacity building activity is the availability of smoking cessation facilitators in the university and the surrounding community. Also the investigators were successful in increasing the capacity of the MP3C in the Northeast region by 12 new members. Both faculty/staff and student groups were in consensus that a smoke free campus would be much healthier and would promote a cleaner atmosphere. However, change in policy would be something that must be gradually established. Read the full report.

Skin cancer has been noted as a major public health problem by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This fact has prompted the Northeast Region of MP3C to promote a highly visible campaign for skin cancer awareness and sun safety education as ongoing plans. A total of 1,123 people were reached with education about sun and UV safety, skin cancer awareness, and the dangers of tanning beds in a short three-month period FY2015. Hands on teaching tools were used to create an interactive experience. The key to the success has been collaboration with strong organizations such as MSU Extension in various counties across the NE Region to educate elementary school students, college students, adults, and senior citizens about sun safety. In addition, the Mississippi State Department of Health/Tobacco Free Regional Coalition (Clay, Lowndes, and Oktibbeha) served as a valuable partner for educating children at a summer retreat camp. Extending knowledge across the life span will enhance our ability to slow and eventually eradicate this growing problem, which is the most commonly diagnosed and most preventable cancer in the United States. Download this report for more detailed information. 

Please visit for additional cancer-related information.

Mississippi Delta Coalitions Promoting Health

Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in the Mississippi Delta and the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Considering the techniques that are now available to detect breast cancer at an early, more treatable stage, too many women are needlessly dying from the disease. Studies indicate that with the widespread use of early detection techniques, death rates could be greatly reduced. Ann Twiner, SNW Area Health Agent with the Mississippi State University Extension Service teamed up with the local librarian of Sunflower County, and other interested partners to present several Breast Cancer Awareness programs throughout the county and area. Through these programming efforts over 100 women were reached, learning the importance of early detection. Many attendees expressed an interest in continued support and education. The need lead to the start up of a Cancer Support Group in the Sunflower County, which meets once a month with a cancer related educational topic.

Managing diabetes can be a confusing and frightening ordeal.  However, for diabetic patients in the Greenville area, life can be a little easier.  Thanks to the efforts of the Washington County Diabetic Council, a Diabetic Support Group is now meeting monthly in Greenville.  The Council invites speakers from among health care professionals and health educators to speak at each session on a variety of topics vital to the diabetics’ health and well-being.  A free lunch is provided through sponsorships from local hospitals, pharmacists, or drug representatives.  The Council is made up of people in the community including registered dieticians from Delta Regional Medical Center and Kings Daughter hospital, Stay Home Health Agency, social workers, MSU Extension Service, and other interested parties. The Council meets monthly and plans out programs for the year.

Itawamba County

Woman wearing a stethoscope helping a man who is sitting down beside her.Itawamba Rural Health Coalition co-sponsors the annual Senior Safety Day featuring educational booths and health screenings. Educational sessions are offered on fire safety, scams among seniors, health issues, fitness after 50, and emergency situations. This has become a popular event among senior adults. Other sponsors often include the Itawamba Department of Human Services, Itawamba County Development Council and Itawamba County Extension Service.    

Health screenings are important, but sometimes, we don’t realize how important, until lives have been saved! At some health fairs men have had prostate screenings and results indicated elevated PSA readings; whereby they were advised to see their physician. Early diagnosis and treatment more than likely may have saved lives. At one particular event, a son was sharing that his Dad would probably not be alive today if it had not been for a health screening at a local health fair. Romona Edge, MSU Extension Service County Director of Itawamba County assists with the annual senior safety day events. 

The Fulton's Annual "Do You Know What the Color Pink Means?" celebrated eighteen years in the fall of 2015 of honoring cancer survivors. Mr. Romona Edge is co-founder of the luncheon and County Director. According to her this is a time to hear stories of how someone else has survived and these stories give hope and encouragement. Each year the event has attracted approximately 100 people. Each event has a guest speaker, which is usually a cancer survivor. Early detection and the importance of mammograms are stressed to all attendees.

70X2020 Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative Partnership Coalition

A collaborative partnership has been formed with representation from various agencies, organizations, community and medical groups, and the general public to form a statewide team focused on lowering colorectal cancer deaths in Mississippi. The 70x2020 Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative Partnership has a goal of seeing at least 70 percent of the state’s eligible population screened for colorectal cancer by 2020. The strategy will be implemented trough ten specific tactics outlined in a strategic plan for implementation. Over 200 stakeholders across the state are yielding support and expertise.  Read more about the coalition here.

For more information contact:
Dr. Roy J. Duhe
Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Professor of Radiation Oncology
Associate Director for Cancer Education, University of Mississippi Cancer Institute
Phone: 601-984-1625

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Publication Number: P3782
Publication Number: P3784
Publication Number: IS1781


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Show your heart some love —because a healthy heart means a healthier YOU! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States. But the good news is that, in many cases, heart disease can be prevented. 

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Almost 37% of American adults do not get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night, and that lack of sleep is causing some serious problems.
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Portrait of Ms. Qula Madkin
Extension Instructor